
We do

What is ArtSarai?

ArtSarai - is a creative project born in 2012 in Moscow.

What we can do?

Well, it's easier to say what we can't! Can do (almost) everything. If you need something special, call us. We'll see what we can do.

Reportage shooting

Documentary, street, or reportage shooting of any plan. We will shoot sports and art events for websites and newspapers. Both in narrow spaces and at extreme distances.

Panoramas and 3D tours

Turn-key panoramic photography and three-dimensional tours. Any tasks: museums, apartments, real estate. Creation of three-dimensional galleries based on tours. We use both a special 360°camera and an SLR camera, depending on the task.

Architectural photography

Shooting buildings and architectural structures with a Tilt-Shift lens. This will allow you to convey the appearance of the building as the architect intended it, without distortion or loss of quality.

Indoor aerial photography

We use a low-noise light drone, which will cause minimal inconvenience for visitors during shooting in a building where you need to be silent (theaters, museums, libraries).

Voice processing and track mixing

Bad microphone? Wind gust ruined your recording? Echo interference? In most cases, this is fixable. We work on the latest iZotope RX software. Volume leveling according to the European TV and radio broadcasting standards.

Digitization and restoration of vinyl

We'll carefully digitize your grandmother's vinyl or your collection of rare records. We work with 7" and 12 " vinyl at 33 and 45 rpm.

Why us?

The introduction of the possibility to register as a self-employed citizen in Russia granted millions of ordinary people an opportunity to show their best creative traits. So why should you choose us?

Ten years of experience

We started working more than ten years ago. During this time, we managed to accumulate a large amount of knowledge and experience in many creative industries.


"I know I don't know anything," Socrates said. We constantly follow global trends, study related specialties, so that our work is always top-notch.

Guaranteed results

We only take on projects that we can complete. No empty promises. You will definitely be satisfied.

Legal purity

We only work under a written contract. It will clearly specify both the obligations of the contractor and the customer. Preliminary approval of the estimate. Working with legal entities under the contract-invoice-act.

Tech support

Even after the end of the contract, we are ready to help you. We provide consulting support and support. If you find an error or problem, we will fix it without any questions.

Priveleges and facilities

Special conditions for NPOs, historical, archaeological, and cultural organizations, as well as for work related to Russian cultural heritage sites.